What are Poly Bubble Mailers?

Posted by: Chris January 1, 2023 No Comments
What are Poly Bubble Mailers?

With the rise of online shopping, choosing the right shipping packaging have become an essential part of running a successful business. One shipping mailer that’s gained a lot of popularity in recent years is poly bubble mailers. Made of polyethylene and featuring a layer of bubble padding, their list of benefits is a long one.

So, what exactly are poly bubble mailers and how do they work?


The primary benefits of poly bubble mailers are that they’re lightweight and low-profile. They help reduce shipping costs as they don’t add much weight to the shipment and can fit more easily into a mailbox or mail slot than boxes can.

They’re also cost-effective. Compared to other types of shipping packaging, such as corrugated boxes (which also require void fill and packing tape), poly bubble mailers are a less expensive shipping option. This makes them attractive for small businesses that want to keep shipping costs low.

Poly bubble mailers can also be environmentally friendly. Made from polyethylene film, they can be recycled at proper recycling facilities. And because they’re lightweight and take up less space, they can also reduce the carbon footprint associated with shipping and storage.


Poly bubble mailers are a great way to ship items that are sensitive to dust or moisture, such as clothing, small electronics, and jewelry. They’re also commonly used for mailing documents, photos, and artwork. The bubble padding provides an extra layer of protection against damage during transit.

Poly bubble mailers also have a built-in self-sealing adhesive strip that makes it easy to seal a package.


Made of strong, stretchy polyethylene film, and featuring a layer of bubble padding, poly bubble mailers are an even more secure and protective version of a bubble mailer. The polyethylene material is also tear-, tamper-, puncture-, and moisture-resistant.


Poly bubble mailers come in a variety of sizes to accommodate a variety of items. It’s important to choose a bubble mailer that’s not too small or too large for your shipping needs. Too small may not provide adequate protection, and too large may allow the item to move around during transit, increasing the risk of damage.

Check out our bubble mailer calculator for help on the choosing the right poly bubble mailer.

Find the Poly Bubble Mailers you need with MailerShop.ca

Poly bubble mailers from MailerShop.ca are a cost-effective shipping option that provides added protection for your valuable items. You can ship your products and customer orders with confidence, knowing they’ll arrive safely and securely.